4×1000 TAX
Despite reforms regarding taxes in Colombia aimed at reducing the impact of the 4×1000 tax, this levy remains in effect for many financial transactions in 2025.
Why? Here’s an explanation of the situation and the expected changes.
Despite reforms regarding taxes in Colombia aimed at reducing the impact of the 4×1000 tax, this levy remains in effect for many financial transactions in 2025.
Why? Here’s an explanation of the situation and the expected changes.
If Colombia is your chosen destination, it’s essential to comply with its immigration and tax regulations. You need to familiarize yourself with Colombia’s tax system for individuals and ensure compliance with the applicable tax laws as a foreigner.
In a significant move aimed at improving workers’ quality of life, President Gustavo Petro officially decreed a 9.5% increase in Colombia’s minimum wage for 2025.
En los últimos días, muchos contribuyentes han reportado dificultades al intentar presentar sus declaraciones de impuestos a través de la plataforma de la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN).
The first step in organizing your business plan in Colombia is to understand the requirements set by Colombian law. When setting up a company in the country, you need to consider accounting, labor, commercial, and general tax obligations.
One crucial aspect of taxation in Colombia is the corporate tax. This tax is applicable to resident and non-resident legal entities with a permanent establishment in the country.
So, the question is: do you have to pay taxes as a foreigner in Colombia? How do you know for sure if you apply as a tax resident in Colombia? And if so, are you eligible to declare taxes in the country?
Here we explain it plain and simple.