

So, the question is: do you have to pay taxes as a foreigner in Colombia? How do you know for sure if you apply as a tax resident in Colombia? And if so, are you eligible to declare taxes in the country? Here we explain it plain and simple.

For those seeking to establish a presence in this dynamic market, understanding the process of obtaining a business owner/shareholder visa and navigating the intricacies of starting a business in Colombia is paramount. In this comprehensive text, we'll delve into everything you need to know to embark on your business journey in Colombia.

Colombia has become a highly attractive destination in the past few years for foreign investors looking to expand their business ventures. Which isn’t strange, considering the business culture in Colombia, with a stable and upcoming economy that offers numerous opportunities for growth and success. Nevertheless, operating a business in a foreign country comes with its fair share of challenges.

Running a business entails more than just delivering products or services; it requires meticulous attention to tax and accounting obligations

When considering moving to Colombia, living in Colombia or even just visiting the country there are many aspects you want to keep in mind besides choosing the perfect city or maybe getting your Colombian resident visa.

Over the past decade, buying property in Colombia has become an increasingly popular option among real estate investors worldwide. After all, the country’s real estate market has seen impressive growth and relative stability—it was one of the first in the region to resume activity during the pandemic lockdowns and has experienced a significant surge ever since.

When considering moving to Colombia, living in Colombia or even just visiting the country there are many aspects you want to keep in mind besides choosing the perfect city or maybe getting your Colombian resident visa.

Over the past decade, buying property in Colombia has become an increasingly popular option among real estate investors worldwide. After all, the country’s real estate market has seen impressive growth and relative stability—it was one of the first in the region to resume activity during the pandemic lockdowns and has experienced a significant surge ever since.

When considering moving to Colombia, living in Colombia or even just visiting the country there are many aspects you want to keep in mind besides choosing the perfect city or maybe getting your Colombian resident visa.

Due to the situation our world is currently living in, it is safe to say we no longer exist in the same reality as we did some years ago. Everything around us has transformed into the actual needs of modern society.


Colombia recientemente se convirtió en el centro de la conversación a nivel mundial y no es de extrañar por qué sucede esto, ya que las pasadas elecciones presidenciales en el país han sido muy polémicas, esto sumado a que la devaluación del peso colombiano alcanzó su punto más alto...

Colombia’s economy is one of the biggest pros when considering Colombia as your next destination or even your next home. The Colombian economy grew 10.6% in 2021, experiencing an economic boom in the past few years because of its abundant natural resources, growth in technology, construction, mining, shipbuilding and tourism.

“Soluciones efectivas e integrales, tus aliados de confianza”

Get started with a free case assessment ​

What will happen after you fill out this form? ​

After submitting the form, your case undergoes a comprehensive review by our team of specialist to assess its viability. Providing clear and concise information about your objectives accelerates this process.

Subsequently, a specialist will be assigned to your case, reaching out to you within a day to clear up details about your case and outline the next steps to help you achieve your goals.

Get started with a free case assessment ​

What will happen after you fill out this form? ​

After submitting the form, your case undergoes a comprehensive review by our team of specialist to assess its viability. Providing clear and concise information about your objectives accelerates this process.

Subsequently, a specialist will be assigned to your case, reaching out to you within a day to clear up details about your case and outline the next steps to help you achieve your goals.


Teléfono: (+57) 315 3354174


Calle 11 no. 43b – 50,

Parque Empresarial Calle Once

Oficina 407

Medellín, Colombia

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