
V - Volunteer Visa

The Volunteer Visitor Visa is the ideal visa for those travel enthusiasts who pursue a volunteering experience in Colombia. 

Colombia is for sure a place in need of social assistance in many aspects and many of its regions, so if you consider yourself an adventurer with aspirations of making important social impact, the volunteering life in Colombia may be perfect fit for you. 

The Volunteer Visitor Visa may be granted to a foreigner whose intention is specifically to enter or to stay in the country as a cooperator or volunteer of a non-profit entity or non-government organization (NGO), or a person who has been duly presented by an international organization or a diplomatic mission.

To acquire the Volunteer Visitor type of visa, you will be required to provide a letter specifically signed by the legal representative of the non-profit entity, non-governmental organization, diplomatic mission or international body, as appropriate, stating the activity which the foreigner is going to carry out in Colombia, the work program in which you will participate, its duration, and agenda. Likewise, you will need to show proof of your experience for the activities you will develop in the country.

What are the requirements to apply for the Colombian V - Volunteer Visa?

Document size digital picture of the applicant on a photography shop (3×4 Cm White background).

Copy of your passport’s main page.

Copy of the last entry, exit or safe-conduct stamp (It depends on the location of the foreigner).

A Copy of the last Colombian visa (if applicable).

Letter signed by the legal representative of the entity indicating the activity, schedule and places where the volunteer will develop the projects and their duration, and economic responsibility of covering all the expenses during your stay in Colombia, and return expenses to the country of origin.

Valid document that proves the legal status of the entity or organization with no less than (5) years of incorporation, or document of incorporation in a country other than Colombia issued within the three months prior to the presentation of the application of the visa.

Economic solvency through bank statements with an average of 100 legal minimum wages in force (SMMLV) for the (6) months prior to the application. In the case of a public entity, it will not be necessary to comply with this requirement.

Health policy with coverage in the national territory against all risks for your stay in the country.

Others requested at the time of acceptance.

What are the costs of the Colombian M - Beneficiary Visa?

Administrative Study Rate Fee

$54 USD

Administrative Issuing Fee

$177 USD

Cédula de Extranjería Issuing Fee

$246,000 COP *$60 USD Approximately

Information you should know about the Colombian
V - Volunteer Visa

How long is the Colombian V - Volunteer Visa granted for?

It is granted for up to 2 years

Does the V - Volunteer Visa allow me to work in Colombia?

This visa does not allow working or engaging in paid activities with legal entities or individuals domiciled within the national territory

Does the V - Volunteer Visa allow for the application of beneficiaries?

Yes, its application is allowed for beneficiaries of the primary holder Visa ONLY when considered fully justified

Ready to embark
on your Colombian
Visa journey?

Connect with us

Phone: (+57) 315 3354174


Calle 11 no. 43b – 50,

Parque Empresarial Calle Once

Oficina 407

Medellín, Colombia

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