
M - Independent Professional Visa

If you are a freelance worker managing your own time, work and money, this is one of the Colombian visa types that are just for you.

To apply for the Independent Professional Migrant Colombian Visa, you must have the qualification or expertise to practice your profession independently, and the financial conditions to do so. 

In the case of the exercise of a regulated profession by the Colombian government, you must prove suitability through the corresponding permit, license or provisional permit to perform the respective profession in Colombia and granted by the competent authority. 

If you are exercising a non-regulated liberal profession, you must provide the professional title validated by the Colombian Ministry of Education. 

In order to apply for the Independent Professional Visa, it is generally required to validate a degree before the Ministry of Education and demonstrate that more than one Colombian company is interested in your professional services, or demonstrate that you have a provisional license or permission from the due organization according to your profession. 

This is one of the Colombian visa types granted for up to three years and that allows you to apply for a Colombian Residency after holding it for five years.


What are the requirements to apply for the Colombian M - Independent Professional Visa?

Document size digital picture of the applicant on a photography shop (3×4 Cm White background).

A Copy of your passport’s main page.

Copy of the last entry, exit or safe-conduct stamp (It depends on the location of the foreigner).

A Copy of the last Colombian visa (if applicable).

Letter stating the occupation or activity you intend to perform in the country in the exercise of your profession.

Copy of the validation of the degree and accredit compliance with the other requirements for the exercise of the profession in accordance with the laws in force. Professional card, license or provisional permit granted by the corresponding professional association or council.

Bank certification in the name of the foreigner whose date of issue is not older than thirty (30) days and that contains the date of opening of the account, type of product, average balance, monthly movement of the last six (6) months. 

Demonstrate income higher than five (5) minimum wages (SMMLV), that is $5’800.000 COP for 2023.

Health policy with coverage in the national territory against all risks in case of accident, illness, maternity, disability, hospitalization, death, or repatriation, for the duration of the stay.

For activities based on professional experience, but not on academic training, provide documents or certifications that support the suitability and experience.

Others requested at the time of acceptance.

What are the costs of the Colombian M - Independent Professional Visa?

Administrative Study Rate Fee

$54 USD

Administrative Issuing Fee

$270 USD

Cédula de Extranjería Issuing Fee

$246,000 COP *$60 USD Approximately

Information you should know about the Colombian
M - Independent Professional Visa

How long is the Colombian M - Independent Professional Visa granted for?

It is granted for up to 3 years

Does the M - Independent Professional Visa allow me to work in Colombia?

This visa allows you to work in Colombia only in the authorized activity

Does the M - Independent Professional Visa allow for the application of beneficiaries?

Yes, its application is allowed for beneficiaries of the primary holder Visa

Ready to embark
on your Colombian
Visa journey?

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Phone: (+57) 315 3354174


Calle 11 no. 43b – 50,

Parque Empresarial Calle Once

Oficina 407

Medellín, Colombia

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