

Contingency on the DIAN Platform: Update and Recommendations

In recent days, many taxpayers have reported difficulties when trying to file their tax returns through the platform of the National Directorate of Taxes and Customs (DIAN). 

Since August 12, 2024, the DIAN platform has experienced high demand, which has led to technical problems, particularly in the generation and electronic signing of documents. 

On August 11 alone, more than 113,000 returns were filed through the system, overloading the servers and causing issues for many users.

Extension of Deadlines for Filing Returns

If you haven’t been able to file your return due to these technical issues, don’t worry. 

The DIAN has announced that taxpayers who were supposed to file their returns between August 12 and 16, 2024, now have until Tuesday, August 20, 2024, to do so. 

This extension allows you to file and pay your obligations without incurring late penalties or interest charges.

DIAN’s Actions to Resolve the Contingency

The DIAN’s technical team is working intensively to resolve these issues and ensure that the platform functions properly as soon as possible. 

We encourage you to stay tuned for updates that the DIAN may provide in the coming days. Additionally, if you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to visit DIAN’s website and contact their customer service channels.

Remember, fulfilling your tax obligations is essential, and if you need help filing your tax return, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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